Herman Miller Mirra
Herman Miller Mirra s opěrkou TriFlex – kancelářská židle s prvotřídní ergonomiíLuxusní kancelářská židle Herman Miller Mirra si s ergonomií poradila jednoduše. Prostě sedí....
Nalezeno 19 nabídek. (Zobrazuji 1 – )
Herman Miller Mirra s opěrkou TriFlex – kancelářská židle s prvotřídní ergonomiíLuxusní kancelářská židle Herman Miller Mirra si s ergonomií poradila jednoduše. Prostě sedí....
Omlouváme se, ale snažíte se o zobrazení videa, které není podporováno vaším zařízením. Herman Miller Aeron, prémiová kancelářská židle Máme pro vás naprostou lahůdku v...
A chronicle of the rich history of this innovative furniture company, from its founding in the early twentieth century to today. Thousands of illustrations tell the Herman...
A classic book on the modernist leader of design that for seventy years has blended accessible, problem-solving furniture design with high style, innovation, and integrity.
otočná se synchronní mechanikou, nosnost 159 kg, anatomicky tvarovaný sedák, bederní opěrka, opěrák s nastavitelným sklonem, područky s možností nastavení posunu doleva / doprava, dopředu / dozadu, výšky, rotace vrchní části, plastová kolečka, kovová konstrukce,...
Herman Miller, the leader in modern twentieth-century furniture, also produced outstanding graphic design. Mid-century and later advertisements, drawings, brochures, catalogs, posters, and wall panels are shown in this visually exciting new book. A must for anyone with...
podpora zad PostureFit SL, 8 ergonomických zón na opěradle, nastavitelná aretace včetně náklonu směrem dopředu, prodyšný materiál, nastavitelná bederní opěra a opěrky rukou, kolečka pro tvrdou podlahu, nosnost 159 kg (HM168)
Herman Miller Aeron, prémiová kancelářská židleMáme pro vás naprostou lahůdku v segmentu ergonomických kancelářských židlí. Herman Miller Aeron patří mezi nejprodávanější židle Severní Ameriky. Dokonce na ní sedí Mark Zuckerberg, Aleš Zavoral a Gavin Belson ze Silicon...
Among the great designers at Herman Miller in the 1950s and 1960s, Alexander Girard enhanced Eames' and Nelson's furniture with innovative textiles. As head of Herman Miller's Textile Division since it was formed in 1952, he designed some of the most color
A classic book on the modernist leader of design that for seventy years has blended accessible, problem-solving furniture design with high style, innovation, and integrity.
A chronicle of the rich history of this innovative furniture company, from its founding in the early twentieth century to today. For more than 100 years, Michigan-based Herman Miller has played a central role in the evolution of modern and contemporary design,...
There have been many books about Herman Miller, its ethos, designers, and furniture, but none as comprehensive as this . Interior Design The acclaimed chronicle of the rich history of this innovative furniture company, from its founding in the early twentieth...
Herman Miller Mirra s opěrkou Butterfly – kancelářská židle s prvotřídní ergonomiíLuxusní kancelářská židle Herman Miller Mirra si s ergonomií poradila jednoduše. Prostě sedí. Pasuje. Je vzdušná. Všechny tyto vlastnosti zakusíte na vlastní kůži při celodenním sezení....
Herman Miller, the leader in modern twentieth-century furniture, also produced outstanding graphic design. Mid-century and later advertisements, drawings, brochures, catalogs, posters, and wall panels are shown in this visually exciting new book. A must for anyone with...
There have been many books about Herman Miller, its ethos, designers, and furniture, but none as comprehensive as this . Interior Design The acclaimed chronicle of the rich history of this innovative furniture company, from its founding in the early twentieth...
Among the great designers at Herman Miller in the 1950s and 1960s, Alexander Girard enhanced Eames' and Nelson's furniture with innovative textiles. As head of Herman Miller's Textile Division since it was formed in 1952, he designed some of the most color
Herman Miller Aeron, prémiová kancelářská židleMáme pro vás naprostou lahůdku v segmentu ergonomických kancelářských židlí. Herman Miller Aeron patří mezi nejprodávanější židle Severní Ameriky. Dokonce na ní sedí Mark Zuckerberg, Aleš Zavoral a Gavin Belson ze Silicon...
There have been many books about Herman Miller, its ethos, designers, and furniture, but none as comprehensive as this. - Interior Design The acclaimed chronicle of the rich history of this innovative furniture company, from its founding in the early twentieth century...
The acclaimed chronicle of the rich history of this innovative furniture company, from its founding in the early twentieth century to today For more than 100 years, Michigan-based Herman Miller has played a central role in the evolution of modern and contemporary...