Resisting the Grump: A Grumpy Sunshine Romance Munoz AshleyPaperback

Stalking the town recluse wasn't exactly wise.
Davis was five years older than me...antisocial and temperamental. And there was the little fact that he didn't know I existed.
Still, I gave him my heart, and he crushed it.
So I picked up the pieces and ran away to New York City. I had a plan that would keep my heart intact for years.
But one phone call changed everything.
Returning home meant facin...

Stalking the town recluse wasn't exactly wise.
Davis was five years older than me...antisocial and temperamental. And there was the little fact that he didn't know I existed.
Still, I gave him my heart, and he crushed it.
So I picked up the pieces and ran away to New York City. I had a plan that would keep my heart intact for years.
But one phone call changed everything.
Returning home meant facing the past...and the man who ruined me.
I had hoped that the mountain had swallowed him whole.
But, as I set out to help my parents, I discover he's not only alive and well, but that they apparently love the jerk.
He has no idea that we have a past, which is both a relief and salt in the wound.
I promise myself I'll ignore how his eyes linger on me, or how his touch feels like a live wire, and I'll remember that once
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