Resisting Peer Pressure for Teens: Advice on Drugs, School, Sex, and Fitting in Communication YouthPaperback

In Peer Pressure for Teens, young writers show that it's possible to stand up to the pressure they may feel from friends and some family members to be "cool."
Inspire teen and preteen readers to take responsibility for and make wiser decisions about their lives with the essays in this book--each written by a teenager. Within these pages, Jamel A. Salter, Fan Yi Mok, and Charlene George, and many...

In Peer Pressure for Teens, young writers show that it's possible to stand up to the pressure they may feel from friends and some family members to be "cool."
Inspire teen and preteen readers to take responsibility for and make wiser decisions about their lives with the essays in this book--each written by a teenager. Within these pages, Jamel A. Salter, Fan Yi Mok, and Charlene George, and many others, describe how and why they chose to keep it real and fight back against the pressure they felt from friends to use drugs and alcohol; have sex too early; lie, cheat, and steal; and skip or act out in school.
Essays include:
- My Secret Love
- Losing My Friends to Weed
- Why Do So Many Teens Cheat?
- Can't Afford to Follow
- Hiding My Talent No More
- Why I Speak My Mind
- Sex Doesn't Make You a ManMy So-Called
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