Micro: Bit Projects with Python and Single Board Computers: Building Steam Projects with Code Club and Kids' Maker Groups Tan MartinPaperback

2023 Tan, Martin 349 APress anglické 582 gramů

Build different components of larger systems using class sets of micro: bits with Python in a truly collaborative way. First you'll explore ways to harness the capabilities of the humble micro: bit and learn to creatively overcome some of its limitations; learning practical text-based programming along the way. We'll then move on to building projects that allow multiple micro: bits, and other micr...

Build different components of larger systems using class sets of micro: bits with Python in a truly collaborative way. First you'll explore ways to harness the capabilities of the humble micro: bit and learn to creatively overcome some of its limitations; learning practical text-based programming along the way. We'll then move on to building projects that allow multiple micro: bits, and other microcontroller boards and parts like the Raspberry Pi, to communicate with one another, and coordinate their operations to build larger systems.
Rather than just being a guide to learning these skills, this book will include tips and stories about implementing the these ideas in classrooms, Code Clubs, and Maker environments. Practical logistics for preparation and easy set-up, as well as, acceptance criteria and accountability for students and participants is included. These ideas were gained
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