Hungry Ghost

Lunatic Ink

Hungry Ghost is book two of the Tales of the Pack series, exploring feminism, identity, and sexuality through the lens of the werewolf mythos. Strange is the new normal for college freshman Lexie Clarion. She could be writing papers and going to frat parties like a normal girl, but Lexie is no normal girl. She spends each full moon fighting against the beast that threatens to escape her body and t...

Hungry Ghost is book two of the Tales of the Pack series, exploring feminism, identity, and sexuality through the lens of the werewolf mythos. Strange is the new normal for college freshman Lexie Clarion. She could be writing papers and going to frat parties like a normal girl, but Lexie is no normal girl. She spends each full moon fighting against the beast that threatens to escape her body and the rest of the time mooning over her alpha ex-girlfriend. When Lexie discovers the eviscerated body of a fellow student, she knows the violent full-blood Rare wolves are back on the prowl. But with no proof, no plan, and no allies, Lexie and her Pack have to decide how to fight back. And they have to so fast, before all the women of Milton become prey.
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