Essential Grammar in Use Classware DVD-ROM

Murphy Raymond anglické Cambridge University Press 2010 Cambridge University Press

Classware k Marphyho gramatikám.
Description: Essential Grammar in Use Classware is an innovative
way to present grammar to the whole class. The Classware contains
the whole book, plus audio, on one convenient disk designed to
encourage lively, heads-up interaction. Zoom in to focus students'
attention on individual grammar points, or personalise exercises by
highlighting, hiding a...

Classware k Marphyho gramatikám.
Description: Essential Grammar in Use Classware is an innovative
way to present grammar to the whole class. The Classware contains
the whole book, plus audio, on one convenient disk designed to
encourage lively, heads-up interaction. Zoom in to focus students'
attention on individual grammar points, or personalise exercises by
highlighting, hiding and revealing, adding notes or linking to your
own files.
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