The Daniel Detox: 21 Days to Revitalize Your Body and Spirit Colbert DonPaperback


From the author of the NEW YORK TIMES best-selling books The Seven Pillars of Health and I Can Do This Diet, along with best sellers Toxic Relief, the Bible Cure series, Living in Divine Health, Deadly Emotions, Stress Less, and What Would Jesus Eat? Dr. Don Colbert has sold more than TEN MILLION books.
The Daniel Detox is a timeless resource for use every season. It provides a twenty-one-day comp...

From the author of the NEW YORK TIMES best-selling books The Seven Pillars of Health and I Can Do This Diet, along with best sellers Toxic Relief, the Bible Cure series, Living in Divine Health, Deadly Emotions, Stress Less, and What Would Jesus Eat? Dr. Don Colbert has sold more than TEN MILLION books.
The Daniel Detox is a timeless resource for use every season. It provides a twenty-one-day complete meal plan for cleansing the body of harmful toxins that is designed to restore you to health--mind, body, and spirit. This book's versatility includes a partial cleanse over a three-week period to provide liver support against the effects of toxins, a one-week juice fast, or the total twenty-one-day protocol to both support the liver and detoxify the body.
Colbert's cutting-edge exposition on the spiritual and
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