History in Practice Jordanova LudmillaPaperback

2019 Jordanova, Prof. Ludmilla 368 Bloomsbury Publishing PLC anglické 555 gramů

History in Practice explores the discipline's breadth, its complexities and the tasks it takes on. This study by one of the liveliest and most acute practitioners in the field demystifies what historians do. It looks at history as an academic discipline but also engages with the extensive and sometimes troubling uses of historical ideas in the wider world.
Historical work has public consequences a...

History in Practice explores the discipline's breadth, its complexities and the tasks it takes on. This study by one of the liveliest and most acute practitioners in the field demystifies what historians do. It looks at history as an academic discipline but also engages with the extensive and sometimes troubling uses of historical ideas in the wider world.
Historical work has public consequences and draws considerable energy from contemporary preoccupations. For this new edition of her respected book, Ludmilla Jordanova has revised the text and added a new chapter that explores the role of digital technology in historical practice. She pays attention both to recent trends in the discipline and to its basic characteristics.
This book is essential reading for all students seeking an understanding of history as a
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